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Amy Hunter

Star Consultant

My Story

For Christmas 2009 my mom gifted me a warmer and a couple bars. You know that saying "mom knows best", so true! It was easy and simple to set up!  I literally “melted” and knew I was in love! Cheesy, but TRUE!!!  I would show off my warmer to everyone and rave about how awesome Scentsy is. At the time having a little one, I loved the safety of it! No flame, no soot & no smoke!!! I loved that I could turn the warmer on and leave the house. No more worrying about the kids burning their fingers either!

The thought of joining Scentsy crossed my mind a few times and during the 2010 Holiday Season I came across my now sponsor/director.  She asked if I would be interested in hosting a party and after hearing the specials I said yes!  Who can pass up "Double Half-Priced Reward Items"? Well, I couldn't!  I opted to host a Basket Party.  I went to all my friends and family, collected the orders myself.  It was so easy and fun!  The very next month, February 2011, I signed up. 

I am Hockey mom to 2 amazing kids.  I love how I am able to create my own schedule. I have a sense of pride knowing that I can contribute each month to my family's budget. Scentsy has made opportunities happen for our family. It has help pay off bills, allows my son to play comp hockey and help pay for travel expenses.

I love meeting new people and being able to share this amazing product.  If you are interested in hosting a party, a fundraiser or even joining my team, contact me - I would love to talk Scentsy with you!  

What's warming in my home